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Can you ID a World Coin from a Description?

I got a batch of world coins for Christmas, and there were 2 particular coins that stuck out to me. From the same country.

One is about the size of a Half Dollar, probably clad, and has a crest on one side, and a farm scene on the other. The scene has a girl, visible from about the waist-up, picking fruit off of a tree, some shrubs all around her, and a small tractor in the background.

The second coin is a little larger than a quarter, same crest on one side, and on the other side there's 2 hands. One has an apple or something in it, and the other I assume is some kind of coin in the hand. It's like a barter scene. The hands have very long, almost cartoonigh fingers.

The language on the coins is not english, I assume it's Middle Eastern or Asian.

Anyone know?
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