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1872 PF 2 cent finally reality, what do you think?

Well, I finally purchased a 1872 proof two cent piece. I purchased it from Heritage. PCGS PF64RB. Here is the link, let me know what you all think.

Heritage Link


  • MarkMark Posts: 3,546 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That is a very nice appearing coin--it seems to have a ton of luster. And, while it's over 130 years old, the coin still has has significant amounts of red. Plus I know how scarce proof 1872 2 cent are!

    Think of how many owners that coin has known. It's apparent that all have treated it with care. I wonder about the original owner, the person who bought it from the mint: What did he or she do for a living, where did they live, and so on. Regardless, it surely looks like the coin has another owner who will appreciate it.

  • bstat1020bstat1020 Posts: 2,151 ✭✭
    Thanks for your comments Mark. We think very much alike! It is a keeper for sure.


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