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variety help please

On the 1934D with the Mintmark of the 1932, what is the telltale sign? Is it the filled D? I see its described as a small D compared to the normal large D.
Can someone post some pics to help me out?


  • Ahhhhhhhhhh,
    This is one of those "guess the denomination" threads, isn't it?

  • Oops. i knew I forgot something. Its a variety on the 25 cent piecce, Quarter.
    Its number in the Pickers guide is FS-25-1943D-501
  • is it listed on coneca?
  • I dont under stand why the FS numbers arent listed anywhere else but in the Cherrypickers guide.
    Still looking for help
  • tahoe98tahoe98 Posts: 11,388 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Ahhhhhhhhhh,
    This is one of those "guess the denomination" threads, isn't it?

    Ray >>

    "government is not reason, it is not eloquence-it is a force! like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action." George Washington

  • << <i>Oops. i knew I forgot something. Its a variety on the 25 cent piecce, Quarter.
    Its number in the Pickers guide is FS-25-1943D-501 >>

    still wondering any help is greatly appreciated
  • still wondering any help is greatly appreciated

  • The 32 MM is smaller and in the pics in CPG is a filled D. There are lots of die polish lines all around the MM. I don't have pic's but PM me and I'll try to explain it better.


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