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Filled Die

I am assuming that this is a filled die??
ITs on a 1962 D quarter probably MS65
Does this big of a filled die on such a nice coin add any premium?




  • No premium. neat though. i have lots of washington quarters with stuff like that. not sure if its filled die or die wear? good pic though.
  • RampageRampage Posts: 9,476 ✭✭✭✭✭
    If the coin is registry quality, then I would suggest the filled die error would take away some value of the coin for a registry set builder. It is worth a premium to error coin collectors, but such errors do not command much of a premium. And, when you are talking about registry quality (or top of the pop type) coins, then there is no premium attached to error collectors in my opinion.
  • I dont think it is a top pop coin being as 1962 is a pretty frequent date. Would a filled die be put onto a label?
  • as a error nut, no premium for that. i have rolls and rolls and rolls of diff. denom. with dramatic pieces like this.
    if someones paying a premium let me know i have 5 million in these.image
  • No premium, but nice find! image

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