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Washington/Carver Classic Commem...

As stated in another post on here recently, some of the mintages for the W/C commem are extremely low. However, I'm not quite sure that I understand the mintages for the date run of this commem...at least not how the Redbook presents them.

I am assuming that this commem was sold in sets of three that included a coin from all three mints (PDS) for the dates in which it was produced. However, the Redbook lists the mintages for the 1952 P as over 1M while the D and S mints are around 8K apiece. What am I missing here? Are the D and S mints for this date the coins that I should be looking at while disregarding the higher mintage P mint?

How much could one expect to pay for these lower mintage W/C's in MS-65?

Collector of Early 20th Century U.S. Coinage.
ANA Member R-3147111


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