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Counterfeit 1906S US-PI Peso on ebay

I have notified the seller, and I expect he will soon change his description or take down his listing, but for those who may not know, this coin has a curved serif on the '1'. Authentic 1906S Pesos have a straight serif. Here is the link.
Counterfeit 1906S Peso with curved serif on ebay


  • FilamCoinsFilamCoins Posts: 1,899 ✭✭✭

    Here's the fake one:


    Here's a real (albeit beat up) one:


  • I see where he's gone back and added a note stating that the coin has an altered date. He went from a "Buy It Now" of $2800.00 to taking best offer.

    I believe the guy - I dont think he knew it was altered.
  • Its gone now.
    Molon Labe
  • Great work, Iloilo Kano po.

    Thank you. I've seen so many of these intentionally passed by dealers, who knew they were bogus. Ditto for eBay who closed their eyes when warned of the bogus coins.

    Warm regards and keep on building your collection.

    Just Having fun...
    Jefferson nickels, Standing Libs, and US-Philippines rock
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