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CHECK THIS OUT!- Floridabill, Boom, and my YN's!!

Okay, I stayed up most of the night with an awful cold, waiting for the kids to get up to see what Santa brought. First news, was informed by Boom that my son Zachary won his giveaway! (Thanks, Boom!- see pic of Zack w/his new proof set!).
Then, before the kids awoke, I went to the Circle K at 6:00 AM to get coffee and a paper, and guess what's on page 2 of The Advocate (Baton Rouge, LA's daily paper). You guessed it- mystery donor donates $1300 coin to the Salvation Army! (see pics)
I just had to post this- gotta get back to the family now....Merry Christmas everybody- and Floridabill, in the words of ZZ Top, "you're bad, you're nationwide"!

Now my daughter Rachael-

"College men from LSU- went in dumb, come out dumb too..."
-Randy Newmanimage


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