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Merry Christmas to all

I know not policticaly correct --- but to me it's what it is ( I'm an Indpendent ), Mine is on hold till I get home sometime in Jan. Please remember those that are away from home serving this Great Naition. God Bless them all.

U S Navy Retired 22 years - ENC(SW) Ret. - Travling Nuclear Maintanence Contractor - Working Indian Point Nuclear plant Buchanan New York

">Franklin Halves
">Kennedy Halves


  • DUIGUYDUIGUY Posts: 7,252 ✭✭✭
    Happy holidays !! SaaluutAA !!image
    “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly."

    - Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 BC

  • << <i>I know not policticaly correct --- but to me it's what it is ( I'm an Indpendent ), Mine is on hold till I get home sometime in Jan. Please remember those that are away from home serving this Great Naition. God Bless them all.

    Dan >>

    Well said Dan. It does not matter what political affiliation we are, our hats should be off to all those who have been called away from their families and are placing their lives on the line in an attempt to make the USA safer. It doesn't matter if you agree with the way we are attempting to do it or not just thank those that have been deployed for doing everything the can.

    Best Regards,


    "Those guys weren't Fathers they were...Mothers."


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