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I'm Going to be Out of the Country for a Month... Post something blue or white

airplanenutairplanenut Posts: 22,180 ✭✭✭✭✭
I'm headed off to Israel for a month tomorrow night (technically 12:20am on Wednesday) and thought I'd let you all know in case I'm slow in responding to an email/PM/etc. I'll be checking in when I can, but it likely won't be more than once or twice a week. I found a great opportunity to spend a month studying in Jerusalem for next to nothing, so I jumped at the chance (and will, of course, also be enjoying an extended break from both MIT and Boston winter weather in general). I'll be back at the end of January, hopefully both well rested and a bit smarter.

For now, post something blue or white. Here are two of my favorites:


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