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Promoting The Hobby (with latest site ranking)

This thread has been over on the darkside forum for several days and since there may be several of you who never venture over there and this can be for the benefit of all of us in the hobby and not just darksiders, I'm linking it here:

Promoting the Hobby

Please check it out if you haven't already seen it over there.


Lover of the mutant Buffalo.

Kaleidoscope Coins


  • TTT
    Lover of the mutant Buffalo.

    Kaleidoscope Coins
  • I believe all of us who seriously collect coins should in some way help to promote this hobby - I try to get young people interested by carrying around with me a few old coins and every opportunity I get I share these coins and the stories behind them - coins are really neat historical artifacts that we all can learn from - thanks for sharing and I hope others on this forum do the sameimage
    currently putting together a EF/AU/BU 18th & 19th Century Type Set; and CC Morgan Set

    just completed 3d tour to Iraq and retired after 28+ years in the US Army
  • ziggy29ziggy29 Posts: 18,668 ✭✭✭
    IMO, "promoting the hobby," while important to a point, is overrated. When I see so much of the good stuff going higher and higher and higher because of increasing demand, I fail to see why it's so important to pull more money into the hobby.

  • I think it is about pulling future money into the hobby, to replenish what is lost as the hobby ages...
    Coin collecting is a hobby dominated by older males... and the ranks don't seem to be replenishing at the rates we are passing onimage (supposed to be a sad frown... not an agry one...)

    More collectors is a very good thing. More young collectors is a great thing!

    I taught a 2 hour session for a group of 2nd graders a few years back and they loved it. I had a great time, and hope that a few of them will keep the give aways I left them with, remember some things they learned, and develop an interest in the hobby.
  • I guess that collecting coins has had such a positive effect on my life that I feel compelled to share it with others, especially kids. It gives me great satisfaction to bring in new collectors. Sure there are many other worthwhile activities for kids but all I know to do is share my hobby with them. I believe that as a result, anyone who picks up the hobby will be richer for it from a quality of life standpoint and possibly financially. We all benefit from having more collectors to share our hobby with. Just imagine this forum if it were limited to 10 collectors instead of 1000's. Wouldn't the quality and satisfaction from what is shared here be substantially diminished?

    Lover of the mutant Buffalo.

    Kaleidoscope Coins
  • Check the thread over on the darkside for the latest update. We're doing very well but still have a ways to go.

    Promoting the Hobby (latest rankings)


    Lover of the mutant Buffalo.

    Kaleidoscope Coins
  • as a 25 yr old male i think promoting coins is a great idea. aslong as i get those keys firstimage
  • We are now ranked #255 overall out of more than 325000 lenses on Squidoo

    And we have moved up to #14 in the Parenting and Kids category.

    The goal is to get into the Top 100 overall which will really boost the number of people exposed to this message.

    So, please, if you haven't already visited the site, do so now. By rating the site (click on stars near top), voting in the poll, and leaving a comment, you can boost the site's ranking. Thankyou all for your help in getting the word out.

    World Coin Collecting - The Hobby For Brighter Kids!

    Lover of the mutant Buffalo.

    Kaleidoscope Coins
  • Happy New Year everyone!

    Mixed news on the latest rankings

    Overall ranking dropped from #255 to #270 as other sites got more relative activity the last couple of days (getting in that top 100 is going to be really tough)

    Moved up to #11 in the Parenting and Kids category (from 14 previously)

    Please email the site to any parents that you think may appreciate this.

    World Coin Collecting - The Hobby For Brighter Kids!


    Lover of the mutant Buffalo.

    Kaleidoscope Coins
  • Our mo-mo is fading image

    #291 overall

    #13 parenting and kids

    Lover of the mutant Buffalo.

    Kaleidoscope Coins

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