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Some advice on buying raw gold on ebay

Hello Coin Crusaders,

I spend more time in the baseball card forum where I am an experienced collector, but I am trying to learn about coins too.

I like gold and silver coins. I am looking for off grade northern European gold at spot price.

I saw this dutch coin Gulden

Please correct or advise how you see fit.

I think if I can get this coin for $80-95 shipped, that would be a reasonable price for me to pay. One has to assume that raw gold on ebay is off grade and I can accept that. I think there is a place for raw gold. I think you can all agree that if the raw gold is real and at spot price (or just a tad above), then its a good buy if the goal is to get gold and fulfill the curiousity of seeing how Dutch gold looks like. Some might argue that I should get one in MS66 or MS67. I know its desireable to have high grade stuff as its easier to sell in the future, but then I might be paying like $250 for it (isn't that how much it would cost?). However, I think the biggest loss would be to pay $250 for raw gold on ebay, but paying $90 might just be spot on (no pun intended, but it sounds good).

Anyway, I like to hear your thoughts as I have learned a lot about coins, but still have a long way to go.

"So many of our DREAMS at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we SUMMON THE WILL they soon become INEVITABLE "- Christopher Reeve

BST: Tennessebanker, Downtown1974, LarkinCollector, nendee


  • I like raw gold... The color yells counterfeit if something isn't right and by basically buying for bullion value versus a grade value you can't get hurt to bad (unless the bottom drops out of the metals market). The link you gave is OK, but me, myself, would go for the bigger stuff like a German 20 mark at .2304 AGW at about 200 bucks. Almost 3 times the gold for less than 3 times the price... (I admit I am biased though as I collect German coins). If you are looking for smaller coins at reasonable prices I would check out the gold coins from Mexico or the bullion pieces from Canada, China or South Africa. Regardless of what world gold coin you buy for about gold price you will not be at risk of losing much money and stand to make a little bit depending on the price of gold or the collectibility of the coin purchased.

    Happy collecting!

    Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Freedom is a well armed lamb contesting that vote. Benjamin Franklin - 1779

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