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Morgan Die Clash question

RollermanRollerman Posts: 1,872 ✭✭✭✭✭
I've been searching for my VAM book, and can't find it, must have loaned it out and forgot who I lended it to.
I have a raw 1886 Philly Morgan in MS64 that is unusual, at least I've never noticed one like this before and I have looked at a lot of them. On the reverse, to the left of the top section of the wreath is the usual clash mark....only I can see three distinct tips of the clash close together. Not only that, but just below these clash marks are two more adjacent to the next set of leafs on the wreath.
Here's my theory, tell me if I have it right. Early in the life of the die set, they clashed. After a few coins were minted, they clashed again leaving enough clearance for the 2nd clash to show. Then there was another clash, still early in the life of the die set, and that would account for the 3rd mark on the upper clash marks and the 2nd for the lower clash mark. I'm sorry I don't have photographic equipment to make this question much more clearer. I keep stressing that this must have happened early in the life of the die set as this is a real nice looking Morgan, only one to many light marks on the obverse keep it from being a 65 (and that's not just my opinion, but several).
Let me know if this is as unusual as it seems to me and if I have the circumstances right on how this could have happened.
Best Wishes to all,
"Ain't None of Them play like him (Bix Beiderbecke) Yet."
Louis Armstrong


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