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GW Counterstamp - George Washington Fantasy?

tydyetydye Posts: 3,894 ✭✭✭
I cant seem to find this counterstamp but I am thinking Fantasy George Washington


  • Post this on the World Coin board..Roman would take a look and probably give you some info!
  • jonathanbjonathanb Posts: 3,646 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The counterstamp of Baker types 1036 through 1042 was supposedly applied in 1824 at the time of the Lafayette visit to the United States. They are occasionally found on the same pieces as a small medallic bust of Lafayette.

    In his book on American and Canadian counterstamps Dr. Gregory G. Brunk says of Baker 1036 through 1042: "These pieces are apparent fantasies supposedly issued for Lafayette's visit to the U.S. in 1824. "GW" allegedly stands for George Washington. Unlike the legitimate issues of this period (Baker 198-198D), some of which show extensive circulation, all exmaples of the "GW" mark which I have traced show no wear to thte countermark.

    "Such fantasy countermakers substantially reduce the value of the few scarce or rare couns upon which they are found. It is common, however, to find a few rare coins countermarked with such a fantasy stamp. This is one means by which counterfeiters attempt to give their fantasy issues legitimacy."

    -Medallic Portraits of Washington (Rulau/Fuld), 2nd edition, p. 246

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