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Does anyone know anything about this strange medal??? Please Help!! Nixon and U.N please look!

First of all I'm sorry but these were the best pictures I could get with my scanner (camera broken).



All I can give you on the coin is that it was given to me by my grandfather who claims he bought this outside the mint in phili...Which would be very strange and he could possible have gotten it wrong...

Any help would be great I can't find anything so far...

Positive BST transactions with: Patches, Greencopper, 09sVDB, Ajia, Whatsup, RpmHunter, tander123,ModCrewman,Lablade



  • JRoccoJRocco Posts: 14,277 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I am not sure Dave, but realize that there are a lot of things you can buy
    right outside the McDonald's on 5th Ave that aren't from McDonald's....
    Some coins are just plain "Interesting"
  • haha, no I don't claim this is valuable I just want to learn what it is...My grandfather also traveled to china, but I believe the coin is from the U.S...


    Positive BST transactions with: Patches, Greencopper, 09sVDB, Ajia, Whatsup, RpmHunter, tander123,ModCrewman,Lablade

  • no one????
    Positive BST transactions with: Patches, Greencopper, 09sVDB, Ajia, Whatsup, RpmHunter, tander123,ModCrewman,Lablade

  • Ping-Pong Diplomacy. It was a huge deal when Nixon re-established relations with Communist China. Intensely poor relations between the two nations had been prevalent since the ouster of Chiang Kai-Skek (spelling?) following our alliance with China in WWII. This was greatly intensified during the Korean War, when the Communist Chinese regime actively helped and supplied the North Korean government with men, weapons, and supplies in their fight against the South Koreans and American allies. Sorry, I can't tell you anything about the medal, though.image
    "College men from LSU- went in dumb, come out dumb too..."
    -Randy Newmanimage
  • ttt
    Positive BST transactions with: Patches, Greencopper, 09sVDB, Ajia, Whatsup, RpmHunter, tander123,ModCrewman,Lablade

  • I turned my head down one way to read the one side, then had to turn it down the other way to read the other side, and all I come up with was a sore neck.
    Someone else will have to figger out what it is.


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