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1853/1873 seated weight change

This is a question that's been vexing me for awhile:

In 1853 and again 1873, seated half dimes, dimes, quarters and halves had their weights changed due to fluctuating silver prices. But why not the seated dollar? Is it because the SLD wasn't produced in large enough quantities for the mint to care? image


  • ziggy29ziggy29 Posts: 18,668 ✭✭✭
    1873 is an easy case: The silver dollar (and half dime) was eliminated in the legislation which led to putting the arrows at date on the dime, quarter and half. So neither the half dime nor the dollar would have arrows.

    As for 1853? Good question. Breen states that "mintage of silver dollars continued at unchanged weight, on the mistaken assumption that this was a fundamental obligation of government; these dollars circulated little and mostly went to melting pots."

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