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Would this not make a cool medal?

Here is a cool piece.. What do you think?? This is a plate showing the birthplace of Shakespeare.


I made the plate copper color for the photo. Here is what the plate really looks like.



  • Very nice digital processing. Looks like a real medal.
    That's the old Tudor style building and I love that late Medieval/early Renaissance style of clothing.
  • i for one think its beautiful. id buy the medal. really nice design. id like to see more circulating coins with designs of importance and intrigue.

    mint director moy's recent statements are very exciting if anyone has been following.
  • aus3000tinaus3000tin Posts: 369 ✭✭✭
    Is Shakespeare really a part of US-American culture that he warrants his own coin?


  • yes. not a coin but a medal yes. how many times have you heard a Shakespeare referance?

    a coin no. there are to many deserving things that are 100% american made.

  • Weather or not the US Mint should make a coin or Commem after him is a debate for another time. I do think everybody has read Shakespeare at one point in thier life.
  • I would be all for American medals for the following American authors (in no particular order):
    William Faulkner
    Ernest Hemingway
    John D.MacDonald
    James Lee Burke
    Edgar Allen Poe
    John Kennedy Toole
    Stephen Ambrose (non-fiction)
    Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain)
    I would purchase any/all of these!

    English majors, please note- this is not an argument that any of these are better than Shakespeare or any other author- just my personal favorites!

    "College men from LSU- went in dumb, come out dumb too..."
    -Randy Newmanimage

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