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Gobrecht dollars

rwyarmchrwyarmch Posts: 1,010 ✭✭✭✭
I've always loved these things! If you haven't been to uspatterns.com lately, there are some terrific
recent articles on Gobrecht's by several numismatic luminaries. Regardless of what you might have thought about
the history of these pieces, it makes for great reading.

Gobrecht dollars

What caused me to return to this site was a recent thread on coin recordkeeping and receipts. (!?)
I dragged out some dusty old boxes and as I was going through the records/ledgers from 1989, this
photo fell out. My notes from the period suggest there were differences between the major services
(particularly for deeply toned coins) but perhaps not as much as today. Given the dark toning, I thought it would be
nice if both services saw things the same way. Turns out both services had already graded the coin so the
seller sent me this picture along with a PR65 slab from the other guys! Seems a bit odd today.



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