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1881-S!!! What Vam!!!

Check out the 8's and stars on 81-S.What Vam do you think it is? Photos are inverted due to slabbed coin and using my QX5.






  • direwolf1972direwolf1972 Posts: 2,076 ✭✭✭
    The stars have a pretty cool look to them. Been looking thru Vamworld this morning and havent found anything that I see matches it yet. Have to go to work soon but thought I'd give you a bump to the top.
    I'll see your bunny with a pancake on his head and raise you a Siamese cat with a miniature pumpkin on his head.

    You wouldn't believe how long it took to get him to sit still for this.

  • The stars look like they had toning dipped off, and it left a stain.
  • Thanks Guys for the replies.I looked also and could not find anything with 8's like that.The stars i thought might be at least doubled and the outline on the stars i've seen before,fairly common.
  • YaHaYaHa Posts: 4,220
    Heated with Welders torch, I have seen this done many times. Coin isn't worth more than Melt. I'll buy it from you for spot. Pm if you would like to sell.

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