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Morgan experts needed

I purchased two new additions to my meager collection today and looked around at VAM world but did not see these. The first one is an 1885 that appears to have a "die crack" from the right wreath tip through both wing tips and ends at the d in united. the second one appears to have a "die crack" through the top of UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Not sure what i am looking at and cant post good enough pics but hopefully this will be something someone nows about.


  • gotta do the thingie with the viewie and the pics...........lots'a morgies come w/die cracks but it's the breaks and doubling and clashing that gets the Vam!!!
    This is a very dumb ass thread. - Laura Sperber - Tuesday January 09, 2007 11:16 AM image

    Hell, I don't need to exercise.....I get enough just pushing my luck.

    and VAM guesses will cost you- to save you time and the embarrassment- just send the coins to me, I'll PM my addy

    ship em tomorrow, I should have them by Monday.
  • messydeskmessydesk Posts: 20,047 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Simple die cracks almost never determine a VAM number, although they can be a secondary diagnostic. If there is a die break, which is a larger raised area indicative of a chunk of die missing, then it is considered. There is more to VAMs than just die breaks, though. Every discernably unique die pairing is cataloged with a VAM number. Most are fairly meaningless and uninteresting. For an 1885, there may be variations in date position that indicate a different die, hence a diferent VAM number. Repunched date digits or doubling elsewhere on the coin is a little more interesting. There is also pitting on the reverse dies of a few. One of the most sought after 1885s has a die break at the bottom of the 2nd 8 that looks like a little tab.
  • what i have noticed is that the second 8 and 5 have faint doubling at the bottom. The dealer that i bought it from showed it as a clashed die but either dont know what i am looking for (most probable) or they are so faint i am overlooking them. I havent found anything outstanding on the 1888. I gave 27 a piece for these coins and think that i gave a fair price. I would grade them as probably 63 or 64.
  • Further investigation shows that the 1888 may be a VAM-10 slanted date. Not sure that this means much but any further info would be appreciated.

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