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Question about selling a Roosevelt dime collection

Hello, this is my first post in the coins forum, so please go easy on me!

My father was an avid coin collector until he was too ill to continue, and for something for him and I to do together, we started coin sets. We didn't have much in common, but we collected series of coins, went to shows, etc. He was a huge half dollar fan, and I collected dimes. Since his death, I can't even think about buying coins, and I have a few things sitting around that I'd rather sell and let someone else enjoy, than keep and never be able to look at again.

The two 'big' items are a 1999 Silver Proof set (which I know about what it's worth) and the other is my dime collection. It is only missing the 2001 and 2002 Silver proofs to be complete from 1946-2002, and all coins are either BU or proof. I have the 1996 W and the 1979 Type I and II proof. Many of the silver coins are full band, or very close. The only drawback is that I kept it in a Dansco album, and some of the coins have a slight toning (the newer silver proofs more than any others). I didn't have good luck with Danso, but that's another story. I could show photos if that would help.

If I were to sell this, what could I expect in price? I've looked on ebay, but most of the 'dime collections' are the single year variety, and looks like they've been pulled out of pocket change.

Thanks for any advice!!
2001-2014 Topps Heritage complete!


  • TennesseeDaveTennesseeDave Posts: 4,789 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pictures will help you get a better estimate.image
    Trade $'s
  • ajiaajia Posts: 5,403 ✭✭✭
    Yup, need pictures.

    Last 2 complete Dansco sets with BU/Proofs went for $240 & $400.

    Guess which one had better pictures?

  • themasterthemaster Posts: 676 ✭✭✭
    Personally, I would keep the coins. The money you get for them will be soon gone. The day may come when you wish that you had the coins to look at once again.

    Have a Great Day!
    "If you would know the value of money, go and try to borrow some." Benjamin Franklin
  • Ok, I'll have to figure out how to photograph these better for an eBay auction, but it's hard to take a picture of shiny coins!

    Here are my quick shapshots:
    2001-2014 Topps Heritage complete!
  • AUandAGAUandAG Posts: 24,803 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Don't sell. My father and I were best fishing buddies and he passed in 1990. I've not been fishing since then, so I do
    know where you are coming from. However, we did collect old fishing lures. We did this together and enjoyed it very
    much. I thought I'd sell them as I'd never want to look at them again and some were worth big bucks to fellow collectors.
    I told my neighbor I was selling the collection and he asked what it was worth. I said I thought I could get $1500 for it
    on ebay. He bought it on the spot.
    I moved about a year later and we did not stay in touch, same town just miles apart. Well, I ran into his wife at the
    Walmart the other day and asked how Reggie was doing. She said fine, and that he was expecting a call from me. I said
    "oh yeah?". She said give him a call.
    Long story short, I called and he said I've been waiting for your call. Thought it was coming a few years ago but I knew
    you would call eventually. I said "what's up"? He said that I've got a fishing lure collection to sell you back.
    I could not believe my ears!
    They are mine again! $1500. Now, I'm putting them in shadow boxes and getting them ready for my kids, grandkids, etc.
    Try not to sell, but if you must, find a neighbor, friend or relative that would be a keeper of the coins till you need them back.
    Registry: CC lowballs (boblindstrom), bobinvegas1989@yahoo.com
  • Hang onto it for a year or two before deciding. I think you'll regret selling it.
  • fcfc Posts: 12,793 ✭✭✭
    i agree with the do not rush to sell it.

    just skip lunch a few times, do not buy that silly thing you wanted, and
    soon you will have the same amount of money in your pocket that
    the set would have brought on ebay.

    that is a really neat thing to pull out every once in a while to remember
    something your father enjoyed.

    for example i have a ring from my father's father. i would never sell
    it. it is neat to look at every once in a while. to show others.
  • Thanks for all the positive thoughts guys. I've really gave this a lot of thought, and after your posts I might think about it a little more. The thing is, I can't even imagine ever buying coins again without my father. I only collected these so he and I could do something together, and without him these really only remind me of how much I miss him.

    Maybe I'll hide them in a back closet for 6-8 months, and see how I feel about it then. Thanks.image
    2001-2014 Topps Heritage complete!

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