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Augsburg talers on eBay

Four different auctions for Augsburg talers all running at the same time......all from China......all dated 1642 or 1643.........not a good sign.

Link to 4 auctions


  • WeissWeiss Posts: 9,942 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Five now.
    We are like children who look at print and see a serpent in the last letter but one, and a sword in the last.
    --Severian the Lame
  • All sellers with low feedback too - the seller with the most feedback has got 29.

    I sold a ZAR coin on Ebay recently. The coin sold for around Euro 199 and unfortunately the winning bidder had a feedback of 1. He subsequently delisted himself from Ebay and I got stuck with the fees. Lesson learned - when selling expensive items do not allow anyone with a low feedback number to bid on your coins. I know this will eliminate some genuine bidders but hey, its seller beware - right ?
    The meaning of life ? I don't know but I am sure that coins have something to do with it.

    Zar's Ebay
  • CIVITASCIVITAS Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭
    You should be able to request a refund of those fees. Mark the item as unpaid. If the seller is NARU, then you will be able to request the refund of the fees instantly.

    New coins listed monthly!

    Josh Moran

    CIVITAS Galleries, Ltd.
  • worldcoinguyworldcoinguy Posts: 3,019 ✭✭✭✭
    It was actually worse that I thought. There were a total of 12 separate auctions for Augsburg talers in the past 14 days, all had successful bidders, and all auctions were from China. This crap is really starting to wear on me. image My pointless ebay complaint:

    The quantity of fake European talers from China in the month of December is ridiculous. These auctions are undermining the validity of eBay and making a mockery of the coin section. In 14 days, there have been 12 auctions that have complete for fake Augsburg talers from Chinese sellers, and there are currently 2 active auctions. Alot of people are loosing > $100 on these fake auctions, and it is painful to watch. So far, these are the sellers from China all trying to sell the same fakes:
    Huihaoqiancheng (4)
    sunlight1678 (12)
    meixiacoin1957 (16)
    cxiaey (29)
    jinxinyuan1966( 6 )
    myhearwill2008( 43 )
    ludizhong188( 9 )
    yongkun999( 7 )
    tp_link0807( 13)
    Please tell me there is some effort to monitor these disappointing auctions. Alot of collectors are getting burned.
    Best regards,
  • worldcoinguyworldcoinguy Posts: 3,019 ✭✭✭✭
    eBay's response to my complaint about the 20+ auctions in December from China for raw Augsberg talers. I am not unrealistic .... I did not expect anything to change, but I feel like the form letter response is disappointing. The scary aspect of this is comes in the near future when all of these China auctions start getting funneled through their fake cousin "BillyJoe" or "Sergei" in New York so we can't simply write them off by location alone.

    Dear Brent,

    Thank you for writing eBay in regard to fake coins on eBay.

    Because millions of listings are available on eBay, we are unable to
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    Although there may be similar items currently listed on eBay, we review
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    Thank you for your time.


    eBay Customer Support
  • worldcoinguyworldcoinguy Posts: 3,019 ✭✭✭✭
    Seven active fake augsburg talers on eBay right now - all from China. At my last count this makes near 3 dozen auctions since late Nov (some were pulled, so "completed" count does not reflect the true number). I have reported all 7 active auctions, but I doubt eBay really cares. The flood of fake german talers is just plain depressing, as eBay could not be acting as a better platform for the sale of these fakes.

  • MeijiMeiji Posts: 170 ✭✭
    I dont collect these coins but this one looks damn good to me..LINKO

    This one would have fooled me too.. Doesn't look cast to me. LINKO2

    If these talers are fake... I'd get burned pretty fast.

    How much are these talers in XF-AU if they were real?
  • worldcoinguyworldcoinguy Posts: 3,019 ✭✭✭✭
    Its downright scary how good they are. I would like one in hand to really examine it in excruciating detail, but I can't bear to fuel these sellers.

    I am guessing $250-$275 for a nice example (plus or minus). The type is one of the more readily available talers on the market, but not to the tune of 35+ in one month from a handful of Beijing sellers.
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