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Heritage archives .... Brian Shipman please come back!

Brian Shipman, Heritage's Chief Internet Officer when their site became the standard of the industry, can't
be there anymore. He would never let the internet standard of auction house archives turn into a Goldberg
style unnavigational mess.

Forbes voted it among the top 250 websites in 1999 under Brian's hand.

The simplicity of the archives was my favorite part of Heritage. It wasn't genius, it was just plain great website design.
I spent a good portion of my last 7 years untilizing the Heritage archives and learned more about coins there than any
book I read.

But, as they do their images, Heritage couldn't let well enough alone.

When will internet people finally understand that bells & whistles don't make a great website?

User friendly navigation combined with a great resource use to make Heritage a great website.


  • DennisHDennisH Posts: 13,996 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm still P.O.'d that Heritage would let this become so FUBAR'd!!!
    When in doubt, don't.

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