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Has anyone heard if or who won the raffle that was advertised in CW?

Here's a link to the site. Paws to Respect raffle

I have no problems with either the idea or the cause. I'm just curioius if any one has heard who won? Or, if it was might have been a forum member. The drawing was supposed to be held 11/1/07.image
Collecting coins, medals and currency featuring "The Sower"


  • pontiacinfpontiacinf Posts: 8,915 ✭✭
    I would email them and ask. Did you buy in?

    Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill
  • I wonder who donated the coin. Maybe next year they'll hold a collectibles auction on proxibid.com

  • CoinHuskerCoinHusker Posts: 5,033 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I would email them and ask. Did you buy in? >>

    This was posted in another thread.

    << <i>According to our advertising customer service representative, a winner was drawn for the coin in the raffle. The winner lives in Oregon.

    William T. Gibbs
    News Editor
    Coin World >>

    Collecting coins, medals and currency featuring "The Sower"
  • I bought in. I also requested a receipt for tax purposes, but never received one. image
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