Please enter your finds (or nominate somebody else's finds) for the five Metal Detecting Forum "Quality" awards:
The five "quality" award categories are:
Best Non-U.S. Coin/Token
Best U.S. Coin/Token
Best Jewelry Item
Best Relic/Other
Best "Wild Card" Find
There is no limit on the number of entries per forum member. If your find seems humble in comparison to some of the others, don't sweat it- we like to see what everybody's found, be it humble or fantastic. Just post your item and a brief story of how you found it, or a link to your thread about the find, if there was one. If you can, post a picture of your item (small to medium-sized pictures of single items, please, rather than large groupings, since the pictures will be used in the poll threads at the end of the month). If you make a neat find and do not post it here, we might miss it later when we put the award polls up, so be sure and post your better finds here even if you already posted your own thread about them. Also, let us know what category you're entering for.
Best Non-U.S. Coin/Token: This includes all world coinage with the exception of US minted coins obviously.
Best U.S. Coin/Token: this category is pretty self-explanatory. Note that it is for detector finds of coins minted in the U.S from 1776 to present - if a coin or token was found in circulation or by eyesight, it belongs in the "Wild Card" category. The award is for single coin finds, though if a cache is found all in the same hole and/or same container at the same time, it may be entered as a single item.
Best Jewelry Item: also pretty straightforward, but if you find coin jewelry, you can choose to put it here or in the Coin category. Also, if you find lost jewelry and return it to its proper owner, you still get to enter it in the competition, even though it wasn't "finders keepers". (See if you can get a picture of it, though).
Best Relic/Other: this category pretty much covers anything found with a detector that isn't a coin or jewelry.
Best "Wild Card" Item: this category is only for finds made without a detector. It may include coins or jewelry, but if you found those with your detector, they go in the categories above. This is for surface "eyeball" finds, circulation coin finds, and pretty much anything else, including nonmetallic finds like arrowheads, bottles, fossils, gemstones, gold nuggets, minerals, natural history specimens, pottery, prehistoric artifacts, and so on. Be sure and mention that the item you are entering is a "Wild Card" find, so we'll know which category to put it in when the polls go up at the end of the month.
The five "quality" award categories are:
Best Non-U.S. Coin/Token
Best U.S. Coin/Token
Best Jewelry Item
Best Relic/Other
Best "Wild Card" Find
There is no limit on the number of entries per forum member. If your find seems humble in comparison to some of the others, don't sweat it- we like to see what everybody's found, be it humble or fantastic. Just post your item and a brief story of how you found it, or a link to your thread about the find, if there was one. If you can, post a picture of your item (small to medium-sized pictures of single items, please, rather than large groupings, since the pictures will be used in the poll threads at the end of the month). If you make a neat find and do not post it here, we might miss it later when we put the award polls up, so be sure and post your better finds here even if you already posted your own thread about them. Also, let us know what category you're entering for.
Best Non-U.S. Coin/Token: This includes all world coinage with the exception of US minted coins obviously.
Best U.S. Coin/Token: this category is pretty self-explanatory. Note that it is for detector finds of coins minted in the U.S from 1776 to present - if a coin or token was found in circulation or by eyesight, it belongs in the "Wild Card" category. The award is for single coin finds, though if a cache is found all in the same hole and/or same container at the same time, it may be entered as a single item.
Best Jewelry Item: also pretty straightforward, but if you find coin jewelry, you can choose to put it here or in the Coin category. Also, if you find lost jewelry and return it to its proper owner, you still get to enter it in the competition, even though it wasn't "finders keepers". (See if you can get a picture of it, though).
Best Relic/Other: this category pretty much covers anything found with a detector that isn't a coin or jewelry.
Best "Wild Card" Item: this category is only for finds made without a detector. It may include coins or jewelry, but if you found those with your detector, they go in the categories above. This is for surface "eyeball" finds, circulation coin finds, and pretty much anything else, including nonmetallic finds like arrowheads, bottles, fossils, gemstones, gold nuggets, minerals, natural history specimens, pottery, prehistoric artifacts, and so on. Be sure and mention that the item you are entering is a "Wild Card" find, so we'll know which category to put it in when the polls go up at the end of the month.

Gold religious medal
My best foreign coin for the month:
1958 Canadian cent (eh?)
My best relic for the month:
Late 1800's - early 1900's sugar tongs
Entry for best U.S. coin for the month:
1917-S, type 2, Standing Liberty Quarter
2nd entry for U.S. coin of the month could be this "1919 coin spill" from the old picnic grounds:
(cointains 1907-S Barber dime, 1918-S Buffalo nickel, 1919-S Mercury dime, 1917-S wheatback, and 1919-S wheatback)
1926-D Mercury dime:
1907 Indian cent:
Nominated (separately) for Best Coin: Millennium's 1957-D silver Washington quarter. (Seen at right in picture below).
I'll let him upload his own individual pictures. (EDIT: he's added them below.)
Note that the items here in this picture are NOT being nominated as a single "hoard", and were found separately.
Link to his story (same as mine, above- same site).
the 1898 Barber Dime:
The 1905 V Nickel:
The 1957-D Quarter:
And who knows, maybe that weird token, too. If I'd dug that, I would've entered it.
I guess the numbers referred to a particular vendor or something?
Ajaan's 1893 Liberty nickel, found inside an old piano.
(Hopefully he'll add a picture, if he still has it and the moving guy didn't take it).
And the Token..I don't know much about them....When I dug it, I thought it was a shield nickel....until I got it cleaned a little..
1849 seated half dime
Collect raw morgans, walkers, mercs, SLQ, barber q. Looking at getting into earlier date coins pre 1900s.
I found a 1964 silver Rosey in the CounStar on the 31st.
Its been slim pickins this month.
On my one trip out for December I did get this. (Or one that looks just like this borrowed pic.)
It will join the candlestick I dug about 2 years ago.
Like I said.....slim pickins this month.
Collect raw morgans, walkers, mercs, SLQ, barber q. Looking at getting into earlier date coins pre 1900s.