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Does anyone have a opinion on these coins? Like value or anything?
How many got out of the mint?
How do you tell if they are fake?
Thank you!
Never give up the hunt!
25 inf 1/14 Gold Dragons ,never surrender, over come and adapt
and hold at all cost!


  • I see no coins, so I see no value! image
  • I would have to go to e-bay and get one?
    I was just checking to see what they were about.
    Never give up the hunt!
    25 inf 1/14 Gold Dragons ,never surrender, over come and adapt
    and hold at all cost!
  • I have a strong opinion. First, there are about 30,000 to 40,000 from what I'm hearing- 55 double die about 20,000 to 24,000. I like this coin much more than the 1955 double die because it is fascinating to look at all the unique alignments. Furthermore, the 55 double die is cool, but when you look at these adam's double struck it is so much more fascinating than the 1955 double die. At first I was trying to accumulate about 50 Washington smooth edges, but these appear to be too saturated, but when these double struck came out I became a big fan of these and I continue to accumulate these. I honestly believe these are the only double struck we will see for the entire series, but the smooth edges will continue to surface just because it would seem it would be much easier for a coin to miss the stamping as opposed to getting through twice. Prices are getting stronger on ebay for the double struck and the smooth edges for the wash and adams have been stagnate, so this is a good sign. I wouldn't doubt that these double struck in 65's are going for $300 by the end of 2008 as these presidential coins catch on and as each new president comes out and no double struck surface. This coin beats any modern error in my opinion (WISconsin leaf, 55 double die, 3 legged buffalo, etc..). Do an experiment and take the leaf error, the 55 double die, and the 3 legged buffalo and ask a non-coin collector which they like the most and I bet 90% would say the adam's double struck. I think if some were to stash away 500 of these coins and waited for 10 or 15 years they could retire off of these coins. So this is my opinion which you asked for.
  • I like the doubled edge adams dollars. I satshed away afew,( I use that term loosely) for a rainy day. I had to get a few adams missing edge pieces too. I stayed away from the washington errors though. to many around. I am curious as to what type of prices they are bringing and how many we think that are out there?

    Mine are not graded but I think some pretty high grade pieces too. Maybe I will drive a Bently too one day....
  • renman95renman95 Posts: 7,037 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The Wisconsin quarter errors are pretty small in mintage...like a mere few thousands. I don't think we are even looking at 10,000. And, when this quarter is in a slab holder or album, one can actually see the error unlike the Adams error. I too like the Adams error. I have one where PLURIBUS is doubled but in opposite directions. True, there are many different variations but I still think the visible errors will be more popular in the long run.

  • I see a reason for a new error slab design. $$$$ i want royalties.
  • I might also add that the Washington Smooth Edges received national press from local news stations, the usa today, local newspapers, national nightly news, etc.. This brought in alot of non-collectors who were looking for investment opportunities. The adam's double struck received a few local write ups and that was it. I believe if the Adams double struck receives national publicity then these will be selling for what I believe they should be when you consider their rarity, their uniqueness, and the fact that most are in UNC condition. As for the Wisconsin leafs ngc has graded about 10,000 the last time I checked and less than 8000 double struck. I believe the mintage of the leafs and double struck are about the same and I know alot of people are steering away from the leafs because many believe it was a die gouge and others are convinced it was a deliberate act. Now with the double struck there is no debate which is why I'm putting my money into the double struck and not the leafs, the mint messed up and there is no other explanation. Yes, I have leafs, but if I had $10,000 to invest for someone I would go 90% double struck and 10% leafs.
  • renman95renman95 Posts: 7,037 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Point taken, also the 10,000 graded need to be divided in half in estimation because of the two versions. Whether the quarters are deliberate or not adds to the mystique. The Mint's response two years ago was enough to seal the fate for this coin. The double edge-ing is legitimate...human error. The 1955 cent is just spectatular, 1982 no mintmark dime, the double ear cents and multi-tree Minni-quarters are interesting too. Only time will tell which of these recent moderns will demand interest. The 1955 cent, 1922 cent have tested time and won along with others. Look at the recent numbers on the 1969 DD cent.

  • Dont forget the 58 ddo cent. i hope the double edge adams shoot up in price soon....like double or moreimage
  • To me it is like any double stuck coin, neat but not worth that much, especially what they sell for on the bay. I wouldn't hold my breathe about them doubling in value.

    To compare this to a 1955 or 1958 doubled die (not double die, that is strike doubling) is ridiculous. This is like comparing apples to oranges.
  • Also there is 2 known examples of 1958 DDO, as these were caught at the mint but somehow 2 escaped. These are in a league of their own. Not even close to any DDO or double struck coin, not even the 69-S DDO Lincoln.
  • i wasnt comparing it to those just pointing out other big error coins. the 55, 58, 69 will be arouond forever no question about it. I think they are very cool, and I think the price will climb. i mentioned doubling in hopes for very large profits. not on the thought of this really happening. Even though they are technically dbl struck, there is abit more to that. each one was feed into the lettering machine, then struck, then exit the machine. Thats the way I understand it. That means they get put in a second time? Thats nuts it leaves the 3rd. die and goes through again. Did the 55,58,69 do that? Those were just die doubling. although this is a new process, i think these errors are just as important.

    I would like to hear some more thoughts on this. very interesting topic...

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