I FINALLY learned how to manage jpeg file sizes and have added pictures to my set
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For the longest time, I could not find the adjustment for jpeg picture quality in my scanner software, so I could not upload pics of my coins to the PCGS site, due to the 100K file size limit. Any pic I produced on my scanner that was below 100K came out the size of a postage stamp, and the "quality" setting on the scanner did nothing to help. Finally I found the correct setting (not in the scanner software but on the "save" menu box that came up on my computer). Geez, I feel dumb, but I'm glad to have my pics uploaded now and learning how to compress the files without losing much picture quality has been a great breakthrough for me (I can hear my hard drive sighing with relief, as many of my old pics were 1M+ !). Now many of my files are 35-95K, and basically look as good as the old, big files. (I generally set jpeg picture quality at 75 or so, less for big coins like dollars and double eagles). I still have much to learn in the world of computers, it would seem, but I am crawling my way up the learning curve, mostly as a result of trial and error...
Lord Marcovan Modern Type set
(Scroll through my pics if you get the time, and let me know how they look on your screen...thanks!)
Lord Marcovan Modern Type set
(Scroll through my pics if you get the time, and let me know how they look on your screen...thanks!)
Many thanks to you, Keith, and to CosmicBill as well, for attempting to help me through the image hassles back when I first tried it. In the end, it just took a bit of trial and error. The quality of your pics were the ideal I was shooting for.
PS- I see that your $20 Lib and $10 Indian NM both look better than mine, though my coins both grade higher than yours. That AU58 $10 Indian frankly looks nicer than my MS62. AU58 is a wonderful compromise- lots of bang for the buck. I also think the same of MS62, which is why all my gold is in that grade (except the double eagles, which are 63's).
I see you are back to #10, congrats.
If you have the space on your computer, I would leave the original 1mb images as they are. That way, you still have the original, highest quality scans that you can always manipulate and resize for the registry, auctions, etc.
The scans are pretty darn good. The coins are lovely. The type 1 and 2 1917 SLQ's are beautiful and that group of PR-DCAM Washington Quarters is awesome. I really enjoyed my "scroll" through your collection. Thanks for taking the time to scan the coins and upload them to the PCGS site for all to appreciate and enjoy.
It's a great matched set that you have. Really good quality throughout, in spite of the proof coins. I agree that I would in many cases have a solid 68DC than overpay for a 69DC that has started to haze or spot up. Those silver Ikes seem to really be susceptible to the spotting. Mine is starting to lightly spot, but it doesn't look like it is going to be too bad.
Like the pics, the comments more!
PCGS Error
You have run into a unexpected error on PCGS. We apologize for the inconvenience and are constantly trying to bring you the best online experience. We currently are working on resolving the problem.... etc.
Was happening earlier today too -- is it just me? I want to see those pics!
Thanks, guys. You make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Supercoin- keep tryin'. They're workin' for me, and I was able to see 'em from work earlier. Maybe you just hit a hiccup in the system...?
Hit the "Back" button on your browswer as the PCGS page is loading. I run into the same problem ever now and then and this is what I do to get the page to load. I just wish I knew why it works.