War nickel grade opinion's and full step help please

It is always so difficult to grade one's own
Help me out and tell me if the 1942-P is full steps or not.
I think the 1944-S has lamination issues going on does this lower the grade?

Help me out and tell me if the 1942-P is full steps or not.
I think the 1944-S has lamination issues going on does this lower the grade?

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The 44 without FS to low to get a good grade
6 steps are rare for this date.........
The stike looks kind of weak on the obv.
Whats going on with the rim ? ( w of igwt )
44S laminations have a collector base of their own ... use care they are worth more with the laminations still attached.. ( nice coin I like it )
Sure if it's a OBH pedigree, other wise probably not.
<< <i>From the photos , the 42-p looks to have FS (5 full steps)
6 steps are rare for this date.........
The stike looks kind of weak on the obv.
Whats going on with the rim ? ( w of igwt )
Dan >>
I appears to be also lamination.
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
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