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1884-O Morgan... VAM-44?? or, Something Else?

Here's a new 1884-O I picked up today. The only listed VAM with a doubled cap is the VAM-44.

This one clearly has a doubled cap, and the back of the cap is doubled, also.



Here's where it gets interesting...... It has a doubled profile, also. I realize that sometimes other less important attributes don't make it into Leroy's descriptions, but I though this was worth noting.


The VAM-44 is also listed as a "far date" variety. I'll agree that the date on this coin is positioned slightly to the right of normal, but I wouldn't exactly say it falls into the "far date" range. In addition, the date is clearly doubled, especially the "1" at the top.


Along with the doubled date, there appears to be a possible "8" or "4" in the denticles. Unfortunately, the next denticle to the left is full of crud, which I may try to remove if we agree that there's a possible MPD there....


And, lastly, I can't expect help at all unless I show you the Mint Mark. Normal placement, tilted left..... no real visible signs of doubling.


Any help, thoughts, or ideas would be greatly appreciated!!




  • RampageRampage Posts: 9,489 ✭✭✭✭✭
    How about VAM 3?
  • RampageRampage Posts: 9,489 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That VAM 3 variety was revised by Leroy a while back. I sent in the coin he revised the description with. It mentioned the 8 in denticles and also the doubled profile.
  • Yeah, could be 3 or 38 I suppose.... I didn't know those others had the doubled cap. Back to the drawing board.



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