You wan to make sure it's sturdy enough for the weight of your equipment, and you want to make sure it will adjust low enough if you're using a point and shoot camera with macro or super macro. The stand at the top looks nice and the base may be the gray needed for manual white balance.
I wanna know what stores (maybe national chains?) to look for as I want one and my wife wants to get it for me for Christmas but I prefer local for that.....
Reading the text for the top model, they note that it works best with point and shoot cameras. It MAY mean that it isn't quite "sturdy" enough if you have a digital slr. Just a thought. Both look pretty good for the money. There have been some home-made ones posted which are incredible works of ingenuity!!
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I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment
Just a thought. Both look pretty good for the money. There have been some home-made ones posted which are incredible works of ingenuity!!