"The Gold Rush," by Ken Bressett

The new book Milestone Coins, by Kenneth Bressett, takes you from ancient Greece to medieval Europe, to colonial Latin America and the Wild West of the 1800s. Read an excerpt as author Ken tells the tale of the $50 slug and The Gold Rush....

Didn't wanna get me no trade
Never want to be like papa
Working for the boss every night and day
--"Happy", by the Rolling Stones (1972)
It's that year that gold was discovered at Sutter's Mill, but not the year gold was discovered in general. Don't mean to be picky, but it's just kinda bothersome.
Actually I prefer the former. The gold was not restricted to Sutter's Mill only. I can see how one could easily (and hopefulyy temporarily) misread the meaning in either case.
information over and over.
the last good one i read was a time life book series that had
a two books on the gold time frame.
here is a link to one of the sets that contains the gold rush book.
link to time life series.
the other book was part of another set and discussed the metal
"rushes" of america. not just california. so it discussed silver, gold
and copper.
the pictures in these books are superb and the inforamation is
other books on this topic read like a college kid's paper on the gold
rush ripped from the several common sources.
not the time life series! excellent stuff and you can find it in almost
every solid library. why pay when you can borrow??
here is a link to the other. i read this in one night. i could not put
it down. my read of the month, by far the best i have read lately. very informative and interesting.