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Newp Morgan, Auction Pics, then my pics

UtahCoinUtahCoin Posts: 5,359 ✭✭✭✭✭
Here's the auction. Link.
I took a chance and here's my pics. The coin has PL fields and I really can't see it a 61. Looks 63PL to me all day.
I used to be somebody, now I'm just a coin collector.
Recipient of the coveted "You Suck" award, April 2009 for cherrypicking a 1833 CBHD LM-5, and April 2022 for a 1835 LM-12, and again in Aug 2012 for picking off a 1952 FS-902.


  • SeattleSlammerSeattleSlammer Posts: 10,037 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't know about PL, but I agree with the 63.
  • SeattleSlammerSeattleSlammer Posts: 10,037 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Maybe SPL instead?
  • tradedollarnuttradedollarnut Posts: 20,162 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Net graded for that interesting, but unoriginal, color.
  • I won three of those old ANA/ANACS Morgans from the same seller last week. A 63, 61, and 60. They should arrive today, hopefully they look as good as yours does. That one looks nicer than a 63 to me--- I wonder if that color was present before it was holdered? Seems like a lot of coins tone in these types of holders...
    Looking to buy Morgans in ACG, INS, IGA, Old PCI photo, and Hannes Tulving holders.
  • CoxeCoxe Posts: 11,139
    I think you got that coin for about the right price, perhaps ten bucks below it actually. I'll take your word for it on PL. It looks 62-63 to me too. I see the toning as original but not highly attractive. Might grow on someone though as it is nice at the peripheries. If it is indeed prooflike, it would be a really good one to hold onto. They are just starting to get appreciated for that date. A lot of the Phila issues in PL/DMPL, probably because of the proof populations, were slower to get noticed. Also 1879, 1880, 1884, 1891, 1899, 1900, 1903, though rare on different scales, always seemed to lag.
    Select Rarities -- DMPLs and VAMs
    NSDR - Life Member
    SSDC - Life Member
    ANA - Pay As I Go Member

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