AKA kokimoki the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed Join the NRA and protect YOUR right to keep and bear arms To protest against all hunting of game is a sign of softness of head, not soundness of heart. Theodore Roosevelt [L]http://www.ourfallensoldier.com/ThompsonMichaelE_MemorialPage.html[L]
Of course not. I will combine shipping costs and adjust the insurance fees. Depending on the value of the coins, they will be shipped either Priority insured or reg insured.
There is no return priv stated. Is there one? Later answered by seller as no return priv on these slabbed coins.
This is funny. I tossed in a dozen bids, and the ebay increment is only a $1 under $100 and little more over $100. With that kind of nonsense (rather than $5), there will be lots of "bid uncovering" to follow. You place your bids and you walk away. No sniping for me on these though.
I got my eye on one in particular.
WTB: Barber Quarters XF
the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed
Join the NRA and protect YOUR right to keep and bear arms
To protest against all hunting of game is a sign of softness of head, not soundness of heart. Theodore Roosevelt
This is funny. I tossed in a dozen bids, and the ebay increment is only a $1 under $100 and little more over $100. With that kind of nonsense (rather than $5), there will be lots of "bid uncovering" to follow. You place your bids and you walk away. No sniping for me on these though.
and they're cold.
I don't want nobody to shoot me in the foxhole."
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