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Grades in ...... PHILIPPINE COINS (some pictures available)

Order #20139577 / Submission #9079357
Line # Item # Cert # PCGS No. CoinDate Denomination Variety Country Grade
1 1 13332050 90008 1904 1/2C U.S. PHIL MS65RD
1 2 13332051 90006 1904 1/2C U.S. PHIL MS63BN
2 1 13332052 90099 1925-M 1C U.S. PHIL MS63BN
3 1 13332053 90315 1921 20C U.S. PHIL MS64
4 1 13332054 90076 1917-S 1C U.S. PHIL MS65RB
5 1 13332055 90175 1939-M 1C U.S. PHIL MS63RB
6 1 13332056 90259 1919-S 10C U.S. PHIL MS64
7 1 13332057 90288 1903 20C U.S. PHIL MS63
8 1 13332058 90172 1938-M 1C U.S. PHIL MS64RB
9 1 13332059 90290 1904 5C U.S. PHIL MS64
10 1 13332060 90063 1914-S 1C U.S. PHIL MS64BN
11 1 13332061 90291 1904-S 20C U.S. PHIL MS62
12 1 13332062 90238 1903-S 10C U.S. PHIL AU58
13 1 13332063 90087 1920-S 1C U.S. PHIL MS63BN
13 2 13332064 90087 1920-S 1C U.S. PHIL AU55BN
13 3 13332065 90087 1920-S 1C U.S. PHIL MS63BN
14 1 13332066 90310 1916-S 20C U.S. PHIL MS63
15 1 13332067 90237 1903 10C U.S. PHIL MS63
16 1 13332068 90279 1937-M 10C U.S. PHIL MS64
17 1 13332069 90257 1917-S 10C U.S. PHIL MS63
18 1 13332070 90196 1917-S 5C U.S. PHIL MS63
19 1 13332071 90040 1904 1C U.S. PHIL MS64RB
20 1 13332072 90261 1921 10C U.S. PHIL MS62

Total Items: 23

Date Received: 11/7/2007

Date Shipped: N/A

Order Status: OK

1904 Half Centavo - MS65RD

1904 Half Centavo - MS63BN

1903-S Ten Centavos - AU58

1903 Ten Centavos - MS63

1903 Twenty Centavos - MS63

1904-S Twenty Centavos - MS62

1914-S One Centavo - MS64BN

1916-S Twenty Centavos - MS63

1917-S Five Centavos - MS63

1917-S Ten Centavos - MS63

1917-S One Centavo - MS65RB

1920-S One Centavo - MS63BN

1921 Twenty Centavos - MS64

1925-M One Centavo - MS63BN

1938-M One Centavo - MS64RB

1939-M One Centavo - MS63RB

1904 Five Centavos - MS64


Complete US-PHIL Coins for Sale, Circulation Strikes 1903-1945


  • Hey, Congratulations! You got some great coins there ...

    The bestest (in my opinion) being the 1917-S 5 centavo in MS 63. That's a killer date in unc. The 20-S centavo in MS63 is another top coin.

    The 1917-S -- you should take a closer look at. I couldn't tell from the scan but it looked like there was some activity on top of the 7. That's one of the tell-tales of the 7/8 or 7/6. I don't need to tell you that one of those overdates in MS65 Red Brown would be worth a small fortune. It's a long-long shot, but if if it were my coin, I'd certainly pull out the old loupe and stare at bit at that date.

    The 1903-S tenner unfortunately looks like you got a reasonable grade on it. What a shame it wasn't just a tad better. That's one of the two hardest dates in the 10 centavo series in unc.

    The half certavos are easy coins but they do look beautiful. Congratulations again ... you're really fleshing out a great collection.

    Best wishes,

    Just Having Fun

    Jefferson nickels, Standing Libs, and US-Philippines rock
  • laurentyvanlaurentyvan Posts: 4,243 ✭✭✭
    I never really got into this series but I can certainly appreciate what you're showing. Beautiful!image
    One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics
    is that you end up being governed by inferiors. – Plato
  • jepoyjepoy Posts: 49 ✭✭
    all i can say is


  • Mr. Justhavingfun,
    Thank you for pointing out the 17-s centavo overdate, I will definitely be checking it out closely.

    I want to ask anyone who collect US-PHIL coins if they want to trade my 17-s five centavos PCGS MS63 with your 18-S five centavos PCGS MS63.



    Complete US-PHIL Coins for Sale, Circulation Strikes 1903-1945
  • Yes, the 18-S five centavo is an under appreciated coin, because it's so overshadowed by the mule. But it's a fair trade. Both are really, really hard. Lemme see if I can find one lying around.

    Best wishes,

    Just Having Fun
    Jefferson nickels, Standing Libs, and US-Philippines rock
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