TennesseeDave What you have here is an O-121 R-3. It was an easy attribute, one of three reverses that have this "T" to "I" alignment of the "I" centered under the left side of "T". Also the first and last "A" in America is attached or touching the "M" and or arrowhead. It utilizes Obv. 16 with Rev. Q. This is one of the 49 die marriages for 1827, ie: 47 square base 2's and 2 curl base 2's. A little dark but nice for the grade ! Good pick up! Mike
The Overton variety may take a while, there's 47 of them!!!
Update, not an overdate from what I can tell.
What you have here is an O-121 R-3.
It was an easy attribute, one of three reverses that have this "T" to "I" alignment
of the "I" centered under the left side of "T".
Also the first and last "A" in America is attached or touching the "M" and or arrowhead.
It utilizes Obv. 16 with Rev. Q.
This is one of the 49 die marriages for 1827, ie: 47 square base 2's and 2 curl base 2's.
A little dark but nice for the grade !
Good pick up!