Will ms 70 clean the haze, but leave the toning.......

Will ms 70 clean the haze, but leave the toning?
I have a Ike proof, w/ a little peripheral toning, but kind of hazy, will ms70 work, or will it wipe it all out?
I have a Ike proof, w/ a little peripheral toning, but kind of hazy, will ms70 work, or will it wipe it all out?

Works best with a Q-Tip (rolled) and really restores mint luster on Morgans and nickels (warnicks especially). Use on BU only . . .it will definitely make an AU Morgan look 'cleaned'.
Most toning comes off with haze. But wow . . . it can really clean up a proof that has hazed over.
after: (seems worse)
had to ship it off to NCS ta get the job done right
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