1880 VAM-51 MPD

This was the last date Leroy needed for the full run of misplaced dates from 1879 to 1892. Posted by request. It should be in the new MPD book from Leroy too.
Here is that particular page of images from him. You might also note the 1884 VAM-17.

My own detail shots. I wrote to Leroy saying there was the MPD but also a possible new 880/80/9.

Here is that particular page of images from him. You might also note the 1884 VAM-17.

My own detail shots. I wrote to Leroy saying there was the MPD but also a possible new 880/80/9.

Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution