Gunk on Jefferson: what is this and what caused it?
Hi all, here's an absolutely PQ Jefferson that I really like, it is actually graded MS67 by PCGS, but on the upper right part of the triangle above Monticello, there is a really weird spot of translucent blue "gunk" that almost looks like a drop of wax! It's not carbon, I'm not sure what it is. Did the grader sneeze? 
Seriously, anybody ever seen any spotting like this before, and if so, how can it be removed? Could I ask PCGS to remove this? Would they? There's nothing underneath the spot, you can see right through it, so it's definitely a surface spot and not part of the metal. Thanks for your help.

Seriously, anybody ever seen any spotting like this before, and if so, how can it be removed? Could I ask PCGS to remove this? Would they? There's nothing underneath the spot, you can see right through it, so it's definitely a surface spot and not part of the metal. Thanks for your help.

Hoard the keys.
so alloy mxing error, strike through, lamination error
if it was a drop of wax (as you describe it). I do not feel the design would be so distinct
since it is in a PCGS slab, it is hard to tell if raised from the surface or not I suspect
My idea would change if it is definitely raised from the surface