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Does Ebay let you do a "buy it now" that is closed to everyone except one specific bidder?

Is it possible to set up a "buy it now" on Ebay so that only one specific person who you have chosen beforehand can win the auction? I have a potential buyer who wants the sale to go through Ebay but he wants to be sure only he can win it.
"Men who had never shown any ability to make or increase fortunes for themselves abounded in brilliant plans for creating and increasing wealth for the country at large." Fiat Money Inflation in France, Andrew Dickson White (1912)


  • I have seen auctions open to pre-approved bidders only, but I'm not sure how to set that up. I'm sure you could just pre-approve one person.
  • lasvegasteddylasvegasteddy Posts: 10,408 ✭✭✭
    just list it as auction only good between the buyer and you according to emailed agreement -then don't list iytem specifics in auction so someone else is buying nothing agreed
    everything in life is but merely on loan to us by our appreciation....lose your appreciation and see

  • Or just cancel the auction and do it off ebay.

    You're not supposed to but they probably won't find out.
  • secondrepublicsecondrepublic Posts: 2,619 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Or just cancel the auction and do it off ebay.

    You're not supposed to but they probably won't find out. >>

    The item is not currently on Ebay. However, the buyer wants to go through Ebay.
    "Men who had never shown any ability to make or increase fortunes for themselves abounded in brilliant plans for creating and increasing wealth for the country at large." Fiat Money Inflation in France, Andrew Dickson White (1912)
  • holeinone1972holeinone1972 Posts: 5,368 ✭✭✭
    Then I would just list it w/ no pictures and a super vague description, and put all sales will be cancelled unless your id is: WHATEVER.

  • BAJJERFANBAJJERFAN Posts: 31,150 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Have him list the item at a predetermined time and send you a link as soon as he lists it and then go for it.
  • StrikeOutXXXStrikeOutXXX Posts: 3,352 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm pretty sure they did away with the private listing for specific buyer thing.

    I was reading some eBay forums, and they said just do it as a fixed price listing, put in the description it is just for bidder xxxxxx just in case and as soon as you list it, e-mail him the # so he/she can get in and purchase it.

    Edit: another person suggests:
    List it as an auction rather than as a fixed-price listing. Use the agreed-upon price as the opening bid amount, start the listing and send the item number to the intended buyer. If the "wrong" person bids on it you can cancel their bid and when the intended person bids you can use the seller's right to end an auction at any time to sell to the current high bidder. This strategy eliminates the possibility that the "wrong" person will find and use a Buy It Now, and you don't have to worry about scheduling and timing.

    "You Suck Award" - February, 2015

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  • DuPapaDuPapa Posts: 495 ✭✭
    How about doing an overly inflated price Buy it Now with the Best Offer option. Accept the agreed upon price from the buyer.
  • secondrepublicsecondrepublic Posts: 2,619 ✭✭✭

    << <i> List it as an auction rather than as a fixed-price listing. Use the agreed-upon price as the opening bid amount, start the listing and send the item number to the intended buyer. If the "wrong" person bids on it you can cancel their bid and when the intended person bids you can use the seller's right to end an auction at any time to sell to the current high bidder. This strategy eliminates the possibility that the "wrong" person will find and use a Buy It Now, and you don't have to worry about scheduling and timing. >>

    This sounds like a very feasible idea - thanks to all for responding.
    "Men who had never shown any ability to make or increase fortunes for themselves abounded in brilliant plans for creating and increasing wealth for the country at large." Fiat Money Inflation in France, Andrew Dickson White (1912)
  • BAJJERFANBAJJERFAN Posts: 31,150 ✭✭✭✭✭
    if the intended buyer gets the listing before it goes "live" how could anyone possibly bid on it before the intended buyer does?
  • pendragon1998pendragon1998 Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭
    Of course, if someone else is bidding on the auction, wouldn't you rather sell it for as much as you can get for it? You clearly have no relationship with the buyer if he only trusts you if you sell through eBay.
  • sinin1sinin1 Posts: 7,500
    I did it a couple weeks ago for a guy in South Korea

    just list it for what they want the buy price to be with a BIN
    send them the item number

    if you list it in some obscure category, no one will find it

    in the description - put what the guy wants, and then write this is an auction for (your buyer)

    hopefully no one else hits the BIN, or if they do then you have 2

    some buyers would rather go through eBay/PAYPAL because they have a little buyer protection

    if you happen to have a store - depending on value, it may be cheaper to list it there

  • ms70ms70 Posts: 13,956 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I've done it for a buyer who was standing by on the other end of the auction as I lowered the BIN. As soon as I lowered it he pressed the button.

    Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.

  • << <i>Have him list the item at a predetermined time and send you a link as soon as he lists it and then go for it. >>

    I found a newly listed coin that was intended for someone else, Not realizing they had put some high shipping on the auction so others would not bid. Had I not wrote or they put normal shipping I would have bought that coin.When the seller explained I backed off. I just happened upon it before the buyer did. The buyer bought it 10 minutes later
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  • notwilightnotwilight Posts: 12,864 ✭✭✭
    I did it in the middle of the night on a coin I had sold off ebay but my consignor wanted the coin sold thru e-bay. i listed it and called the guy with the auction number and he bought it before it was showing up in any searches. --jerry
  • thisnamztakenthisnamztaken Posts: 4,101 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>How about doing an overly inflated price Buy it Now with the Best Offer option. Accept the agreed upon price from the buyer. >>

    That's what I would do also.

    If it's an expensive item that would cost you a lot to list as a BIN/BO and you don't know him or have any suspicions that he might not follow through, tell him the pre-condition is that he pay you your listing fees, eBay's end-of-auction fees and PayPal gimmees up front - BEFORE you list it. If he won't agree to that tell him sorry kiddo but no sale!
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