It doesn't seem to be an environmental factor, as the color is even and not just on the outside. I don't think this type of plastic is permeable. Right?
I believe the slabs are supposed to be 'chemically-inert'. If my understanding of 'chemically-inert' is correct, it shouldn't have changed color anyway because they don't react with anything. It matches the label nicely, though...that's a very interesting slab!
You Suck! Awarded 6/2008- 1901-O Micro O Morgan, 8/2008- 1878 VAM-123 Morgan, 9/2022 1888-O VAM-1B3 H8 Morgan | Senior Regional Representative- ANACS Coin Grading. Posted opinions on coins are my own, and are not an official ANACS opinion.
I have cracked slabs with the green o-ring in them. It is the rubber in the o-ring breaking down, I think (the ones I have handled have always been sticky to the touch)...
What is now proved was once only imagined. - William Blake
I have seen them green or a darker yellow, all in older holders, they were made that way.
Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony. Will’sProoflikes
The consensus was that it had turned greenish-gold over time.
What is now proved was once only imagined. - William Blake