help with lincoln grading

I am trying to learn to accurately grade lincolns.
I am not the best photographer, but what do you think a coin like this should grade?
I love the RB look as opposed to gem red coins, but I can't grade worth a hill of beans when it comes to lincolns.
I would love to hear your thoughts/grades on a coin with this look.

I am not the best photographer, but what do you think a coin like this should grade?
I love the RB look as opposed to gem red coins, but I can't grade worth a hill of beans when it comes to lincolns.
I would love to hear your thoughts/grades on a coin with this look.

For the grade I wouldsay MS-64, and I'm 50/50 between RB and BN
very good photo i'll take a stab at rb 63
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
63 RB
Someday REAL American HERO's will be on our COINS.
rabbitracks toned showcase set
I also grade this coin 63 rb, so in that regard I am on the right track. I really like this coins look. I would like to continue a set in this condition as filler while I am saving for the bigger purchases in my peace set.
I am glad you think my pics are ok. I really need to start honing my skills in this regard because I am all over the map. I use 1 halogen desk lamp and it just does not cut the mustard. I have to take 20 pics in order to get a couple keepers. I also think I need to take notes on my camera settings.
Thanks again.