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NEWP Saloon Token with some related pics

Picked this up on ebay tonight. Got a very good deal on it. I was pawing through the Nevada Post Card Album, a great source for photographs of turn of the century Nevada towns, to try to get some info to do a write-up. I was surprised to see that the pictures included for the town of Dayton (the pictures were all from Real-Photo Post Cards) had two images of the O'Deon Saloon. The first is an image looking down Main Street, while the other was a view of the O'Deon Saloon's "facade."

(Ebay auction pics)


and from the Nevada Post Card Album


  • Very Cool!image
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  • Cool token, especially with the corresponding pics. I wonder how many beers 12 1/2 cents bought in the early 1900's? It's also neat that Marilyn Monroe filmed part of "The Misfits" there.
    Nifty stuff.image
    "College men from LSU- went in dumb, come out dumb too..."
    -Randy Newmanimage

  • << <i>Cool token, especially with the corresponding pics. I wonder how many beers 12 1/2 cents bought in the early 1900's? It's also neat that Marilyn Monroe filmed part of "The Misfits" there.
    Nifty stuff.image >>

    A bit (12 1/2 cents) was the standard price of a glass of beer or shot of whiskey.
  • Eight beers for a buck! image Reminds me of "Nickel beer night" at Royal Reds near Centenary College! I don't think Marilyn Monroe and Clark Gable frequented the place, though.
    "College men from LSU- went in dumb, come out dumb too..."
    -Randy Newmanimage

  • << <i>Eight beers for a buck! image Reminds me of "Nickel beer night" at Royal Reds near Centenary College! I don't think Marilyn Monroe and Clark Gable frequented the place, though. >>

    And a bath in those turn-of-the-century days would cost you 2 1/2 cents. So would a shave.

    Just goes to show how much those westerners valued their booze.
  • STONESTONE Posts: 15,275
    Seeing that horse and buggy makes me wonder when the first automobile rolled into that town.

    Very cool stuff and it definitely takes you back to a simpler time; although times were drastically changing a lot!!!
  • BECOKABECOKA Posts: 16,961 ✭✭✭
    Looks like fun. Thanks for the post.

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