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Identify this French-language medal by A. J. Corbierre w/American content?

Can anyone identify this French-language medal from WWI? It's signed on both sides by A. J. Corbierre, but I can't find anything on that person in google. I assume it's French, Belgian, Swiss, or Canadian... but why would the US eagle be on the reverse?

To save you from squinting, the text reads:


...which according to my rusty high school French translates to something like "Let us remember the solders who died on the field of honor"

Diameter is 50.5mm. It is edge-stamped BRONZE (without the cornucopia usually seen on Paris Mint strikings), but it looks more like brass to me.



  • spoonspoon Posts: 2,798 ✭✭✭
    Very interesting!

    I can't quite make out what the tinctures are supposed to be on the flag and I'm brain dead on IDing the medal at top.

    That said, googling "corbierre medaille" gives a few more targeted hits. Found a few other medals of his and apparently he wrote a book (in French) on religious medals in 1901.
  • jonathanbjonathanb Posts: 3,654 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dang. I was searching for "A J Corbierre" but I didn't search for "AJ Corbierre" or "Corbierre, A J" or "Corbierre, AJ". I've got to remember that the next time. That give me a few more leads that I can look into. Thanks!
  • sumnomsumnom Posts: 5,963 ✭✭✭
    "Let us remember fallen soldiers at the Field of Honor."

    I don't really do French but I think that is what it says.
  • Super looking piece....I love it!

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