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PCGS Franklins for sale here, FS, 1954-S Rattler Added

Insurance is extra, and is strongly suggested. Parcel post. Pay with check, MO, bank check, or Paypal (add 3%). PM if interested.
1954-S, in a rattler. This is a scan that sucks. Coin is quite lusterous with spotted grey/light goldish obverse toning, and a light goldish reverse toning. $31.
This is a 1952-P PCGS MS-65. Pics accurately represent the color of the coin. Nice mark-free surfaces. I think it should be in a 66 holder (or have a CAC sticker on it image). $75
1954-P PCGS MS-65. Pics accurately represent the color of the coin. Lusterous with some rim toning. The horizontal scratch on the bust is on the holder. $60
1957-P PCGS MS-66. Nice color that could best be described as 'coppery,' great luster, unfortunately, my pics suck. Looks greyish in the pics, but it is not. $80
This is a nice white coin, well struck, and very lusterous. This is a scan, that why it doesn't look lusterous. $75.00 (SOLD)


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