I have ordered the Green-Monster box of 2008 SAE on 12/13.
I placed the order for the green monster box. It has since sold out. If I have confirmed your order on/before12/26/07, you are set at the original price posted in parenthesis below.
I HOPE TO PLACE AN ORDER FOR ADDITIONAL ROLLS, BUT AT CURRENT SPOT SILVER IT WILL BE AROUND $350 PER ROLL. I'm going to watch silver this week and try to order if/when silver drops down again. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTINUE TO LET ME KNOW IF YOU'RE INTERESTED IN ROLLS AND I'LL PM YOU INDIVIDUALLY AND RE-POST IF/WHEN I ORDER THE ADDITIONAL ROLLS. Please also feel free to contact me if you see spot silver down around $14 again.
(THE ORIGINAL DEAL IS AS SUCH: The price is $333.00 per roll with insured, priority delivery (in a box) included. If paying with Paypal, please add $10.00 for the 3% Paypal fee.
I'll accept checks and money orders as well as Paypal (+3% on Paypal payments. Paypal actually charges $10.25 on 1 roll and $20.19 on 2 rolls.). I'll need to pay for the case up front. Payment will be expected when you place your order.)
Check/MO can be sent to me at;
PO box 531
Portland, CT. 06480
Anyone with interest in purchasing 2008 silver Eagles by the roll can PM or email me (include your CU ID if contacting me via email) with how many rolls you want. Please include your mailing address when you place your order. It will help me place the payments with the appropriate orders as they come in.
I'll order a second case if I get a commitment for another 20 rolls. I'm willing to buy 5 rolls per case if I need to.
I'll consider an order as a commitment. I'll expect any orders to be honored and paid for regardless of what the silver market does. I'm sure that if I get stuck buying a significant portion of the case due to order cancellations, no one will be willing to do this in the future.
With all that said.......let me know how many rolls you want.....
I will also be offering single 2008 SAEs from the rolls I buy for myself like I usually do. I'll wait until I have the coins in hand before I start taking orders for singles. Right now I want to concentrate on the roll orders.
23 rolls spoken for as of 12/26 which makes the first case sold out.
I HOPE TO PLACE AN ORDER FOR ADDITIONAL ROLLS, BUT AT CURRENT SPOT SILVER IT WILL BE AROUND $350 PER ROLL. I'm going to watch silver this week and try to order if/when silver drops down again. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTINUE TO LET ME KNOW IF YOU'RE INTERESTED IN ROLLS AND I'LL PM YOU INDIVIDUALLY AND RE-POST IF/WHEN I ORDER THE ADDITIONAL ROLLS. Please also feel free to contact me if you see spot silver down around $14 again.
(THE ORIGINAL DEAL IS AS SUCH: The price is $333.00 per roll with insured, priority delivery (in a box) included. If paying with Paypal, please add $10.00 for the 3% Paypal fee.
I'll accept checks and money orders as well as Paypal (+3% on Paypal payments. Paypal actually charges $10.25 on 1 roll and $20.19 on 2 rolls.). I'll need to pay for the case up front. Payment will be expected when you place your order.)
Check/MO can be sent to me at;
PO box 531
Portland, CT. 06480
Anyone with interest in purchasing 2008 silver Eagles by the roll can PM or email me (include your CU ID if contacting me via email) with how many rolls you want. Please include your mailing address when you place your order. It will help me place the payments with the appropriate orders as they come in.
I'll order a second case if I get a commitment for another 20 rolls. I'm willing to buy 5 rolls per case if I need to.
I'll consider an order as a commitment. I'll expect any orders to be honored and paid for regardless of what the silver market does. I'm sure that if I get stuck buying a significant portion of the case due to order cancellations, no one will be willing to do this in the future.
With all that said.......let me know how many rolls you want.....
I will also be offering single 2008 SAEs from the rolls I buy for myself like I usually do. I'll wait until I have the coins in hand before I start taking orders for singles. Right now I want to concentrate on the roll orders.
23 rolls spoken for as of 12/26 which makes the first case sold out.
If I do it the posting police try to nail me to the wall when I post anything else. (Even though this is more of a public service than a sales attempt.)
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Just in case anyone hasn't dealt wtih him and is curious.
(unsolicited but I wanted to post it anyway)
I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment
the check is in the mail.
Just to add to what Bochi the man said, this is the 3rd or 4th year I've been in on this deal. Itz all good!!
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Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill
(thinking real hard about getting a roll)
Thanks for you work, blessings
John (bump)