All three 1984 Don Mattingly's are RC's since he had no other major cards prior to that year. The Donruss one of course is his most famous, though I suppose the 1984 Topps Tiffany might rival it now.
SMR is just a guide. But it has Mattingly's Donruss PSA 10 at $400.00, but his Topps Tiffany at $1,300.00! Yikes. But yes, the Donruss is the far more attractive card and quite symbolic of 80s card collecting. But I'd still take the Tiffany. And then sell it and purchase three (3) of the Donruss.
I am actively buying MIKE SCHMIDT gem mint baseball cards. Also looking for any 19th century cabinets of Philadephia Nationals. Please PM with additional details.
Wow, the 84 donruss Mattingly. That used to be my dream card. Think it was about $100.00 My dad finally ended up buying me the whole set but I cant find it. Not that its worth a whole lot anymore, but I just loved the way the cards looked. He looked so different without the scent saver.
i saw the 84D at a show for over $200 at its peak.....good ole Darryl was around $60-80 too! stuff was going for like $25/pack! same with that stupid 86D Canseco..........
I've always liked the 'look' of the '84 Topps Mattingly over the '84 Donruss. Then again, the 1983 and 1984 Topps sets were, in my opinion, probably the best designed cards of the 80s.
I'd really like to someday own the '84 OPC and the '84 Nestle set as well. That's just a beautiful design.
The Topps Mattingly Rc is what hooked me on this hobby when I was 10 years old back in 84. Then the same card reeled me back in shortly after college in 2000. I haven't looked back since. Now I have a bunch of his Auto's, Jerseys and Patches etc. But the 84 topps will always be my favorite.
I finally picked up the Tiffany a few months back off of ebay for $60. I have thought about getting it slabbed... I would send it in if I knew it would fetch a 9. But if it were to come back less then that I would just rather keep it in the screwdown and enjoy it for what it means to me. Enjoy.
Even though the only one I have is the '84 Topps
D's: 50P,49S,45D+S,43D,41S,40D,39D+S,38D+S,37D+S,36S,35D+S,all 16-34's
Q's: 52S,47S,46S,40S,39S,38S,37D+S,36D+S,35D,34D,32D+S
74T: 241,435,610,654 97 Finest silver: 115,135,139,145,310
95 Ultra GM Sets: Golden Prospects,HR Kings,On-Base Leaders,Power Plus,RBI Kings,Rising Stars
Not only that, the 84D Mattingly is a symbol of 80's collecting,
And, is a top 25 card that influenced Collecting....
That was THE card to own, THE card to get at the local show....
It was before Grading so it didnt matter that it was way off- center, you had to get it!
The Price rose every month in Beckett, and it always had that UP arrow!
Ah, the Don Mattingly 1984 Donruss, that was the epitome of collecting for many collectors!
/s/ JackWESQ
and 1984 Topps Stickers.
<< <i>Hands down, the 1984 Donruss Mattingly is his definitive rookie card ...
Not only that, the 84D Mattingly is a symbol of 80's collecting,
And, is a top 25 card that influenced Collecting....
That was THE card to own, THE card to get at the local show....
It was before Grading so it didnt matter that it was way off- center, you had to get it!
The Price rose every month in Beckett, and it always had that UP arrow!
Ah, the Don Mattingly 1984 Donruss, that was the epitome of collecting for many collectors! >>
I agree with that, but I still like the look of his 84 Topps the best!! IMHO
Anyway. I've always liked the '84 Donruss the best. It's still my favorite set of the '80s.
I'd really like to someday own the '84 OPC and the '84 Nestle set as well. That's just a beautiful design.
I finally picked up the Tiffany a few months back off of ebay for $60. I have thought about getting it slabbed... I would send it in if I knew it would fetch a 9. But if it were to come back less then that I would just rather keep it in the screwdown and enjoy it for what it means to me. Enjoy.
Sportlots FS