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1857 Rutland Illinois Coins

I have found a 1 cent coin stamped Rutland Illinois 1857 . I also have a 1/4 cent stamped ElPaso Illinois 1853
Can anyone advise me on the value of these two coins and why they were minted in the first place. They donot appear to have been used for a special event but for purchases in those two communitys. My Local coin Dealers are clueless on what or why they were minted. I am sorry I cant scan the coins into my system as my son's dog ruined my scanner.
Patron Question/Comment/Suggestion:

While going through my mothers estate I came across a 1857 Rutland Illinois penny . I wonder if you have any information on this coin. I am curious about why they were issued and what the estimated Value
might be as of now. My local coin dealers are clueless on this item.
Any help you can provide would be appriciated


  • mirabelamirabela Posts: 5,049 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You probably mean an 1853 1/2 cent, as there was no 1/4 cent coin??

    Coins were frequently counterstamped as a means of cheap advertisement in the last century. There are people (like me) who collect them. Values tend to be pretty low unless the coin is in otherwise spectacular (i.e uncirculated) condition. Without seeing the coins in question, I'd throw out a likely value of around two bucks for the cent if it's on an Indian Head cent, or ten to twenty if it it's on an old large cent; for the other, if it is actually stamped on a half cent coin, perhaps twenty bucks or so.

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