1916 MPL - The last word

The obverse of the coin has a rose colored hue to it, however plenty of true red bleeds through. The reverse is a very even red, slightly subdued.
Folks, 1916's don't come true red.

Folks, 1916's don't come true red.

After toiling for awhile I have another image of my 1916 exactly as the camera saw it. I did no adjusting in photo shop. I did use some additional lighting. It's now posted.
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I have seen one of the other two 6 reds. It went into the Jeff Stanley collection. I think Gerry owns the other one, but I'm not positive and I haven't seen it.
The "Last Word" 1916 is probably an RB coin. I've owned a very nice 66rb, and have seen two others. All were nice with very similar toning like Tim Listons.
How is the color now?
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