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My mothers whitman cent albums need help

My Mom passed away 2 yrs ago at the age of 82. Im just now going through her things. I found her old Whitman cent albums and I want to finish them for her. The 1909 -1940 is going to take some serious time and effort but the 41-and up is still doable.
So heres what I need....
41-s 42-s 47 , 47-s, 49, 53. 55-s, 61, 62, 69, 75-s,
I am not looking for high grade, Just decent cents.
This is just something I need to do.

Thanks for any help guys.
Molon Labe


  • holeinone1972holeinone1972 Posts: 5,368 ✭✭✭
    I have the 42s, 47, 47s and the 53 if you still need them.

    PM me your address and they are yours.

    I am sorry you lost your mom.

  • Thanks for all the great replies.
    It looks like through the generousity of everyone here I will be able to finish her 1941 +
    It really means a lot to me . Thank each and everyone of you that responded.
    Molon Labe
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