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FSHO BU roll 1949-S dimes + others

I've decided to sell my bu roll set of roosies and buy some hearing aids. (yup--getting old is a bit**) I've had most of them since the early 70's. In order to try to avoid fees, I'm offering the key rolls here. The others go on ebay.

1949-P $950 (bid is $1000)
1949-S $1800 (bid is $1850)
1950-S $1150 (bid is $1200)
1951-S $500 (bid is $550)

They're nice, never picked over rolls in square tubes. Sent postpaid with ten day return privileges for forum members, of course. If you pay with paypal, I've gotta charge the paypal fees. Personal checks are A-OK with me. PM if interested.
I'm the Proud recipient of a genuine "you suck" award dated 1/24/05. I was accepted into the "Circle of Trust" on 3/9/09.


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