ARod Poll

in Sports Talk
Boras stated he wants 10 years for his man at a price of 350 million. That was the offer to the Yanks. Now he is saying he wants a 12 year contract.
Here's a poll...regardless of WHAT team signs him, what are your thoughts on the basic terms of the contract????
Here's a poll...regardless of WHAT team signs him, what are your thoughts on the basic terms of the contract????
Maybe some Japanese team will offer to make him part owner, pay him $50 million a year, and give him all the free sushi and Geisha girls he wants.
That way he can hit 100 HR's a year and never have to worry about pressure or winning a world series.
-- Yogi Berra
Length = giving 10 or 12 years of guaranteed money to someone already in their 30s is absolutely insane and any team willing to do so should do so with the expectation that he'll be an albatross towards the end of the contract. Demanding this many years at that price also cuts the market in half. No NL team is going to take on a $35 million/year player that might not be a great fielder down the line.
I wish every MLB team tells this duo to shove it where the sun don't shine.
BST: Tennessebanker, Downtown1974, LarkinCollector, nendee
* T. PEREZ BASIC #4 100%
This years GM meetings are going to be interesting. I think and I HOPE that in the end, ARod and Boras are going to be VERY sorry they didnt listen to the Yankees proposal.
My feeling is that the ONLY way that ARod could redeem himself if he wanted to ever be considered a Yankee is to publicly FIRE Scott Boras and negotiate his own contract.
I think this new "rumor" about ARod playing for the Red Sox as his #1 choice is a way to force the Yanks back in the mix. Either so he can go back to NY or to drive up his price. Sure, every team is interested in ARod but not at what they are asking.
I hope ARod is crying in his pillow every night.
What a slob this guy is
I realize there are leadership abilities he has (sort of like a Varitek), but you can't pay 10 mil plus for leadership and good defense. A-Rod is an ENORMOUS step up from Lowell and I'm sure Epstein realizes this. Believe me, if he gets 12 mil per, 2 years from now Red Sox fans sure aren't going to be chanting his name any longer, that would be disasterous for their organization, I still belive this guy to be in a steady decline who just happened to have the big free agent year (like many do).
I still think the Angels are where he will end up (Pay-Rod), but the Sox have to be up there at least in the top 3 teams.